Health And Safety
Health & Safety
As an upstream oil and gas operator, Pablo Energy II, LLC strives to conduct business in a safe and efficient manner. Pablo operates in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements while striving to continuously improve our environmental, health and safety (EHS) performance.
Hazard communication (hazcom)
To keep employees healthy and safe, Pablo communicates the hazards of the oil and gas industry in many different ways: an up to date safety manual, verbal and digital communication, hazard labels, Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s), and training.
Safety maual
Pablo works diligently alongside Accurate Safety Compliance to ensure we have an informative and practical safety manual to provide Pablo employees in an effort to educate them on staying healthy and safe in the workplace. An up to date version of the Pablo safety manual can be viewed by clicking on the following link: PABLO's SAFETY MANUAL and VERDUGO-PABLO ENERGY, LLC SAFETY MANUAL
Verbal & digital communication
Day to day operations require verbal and digital communication that serve as reminders of safety hazards. Pablo supervisors and managers verbally discuss hazards as they are present and necessary. Examples can include safety reviews, pre-job safety meetings, shift change discussions, etc. In addition, Pablo utilizes smartphones and digital communication such as text messages, email, and online resources to further conveysafety awareness.
hazard labels
Pablo labels the common hazards to the oil and gas industry such as natural gas, crude oil/condensate, and produced water. Any other 3rd party hazardous chemicals brought to location are required to have OSHA compliant GHS hazard labels.
safety data sheets (SDS)
Safety Data Sheets are key in hazard communication. Pablo requires any 3rd party hazardous chemicals brought to location to have OSHA compliant SDS's. Pablo also provides SDS's for common hazardous chemicals as listed below:
16. NALCO Production Foamer (soap)/Inhibitor
17. Baker Corrosion Inhibitor Stick
18. Baker Combination Inhibitor
19. Bachman FSW 4919 Production Foamer (soap)/inhibitor
20. Baker Demulsifier - DMO146
21. Baker Demulsifier - DMO8042Y
23. NALCO Emulsion Breaker - Emulsatron X-815b5
24. Chem Tech Paraffin Solvent
25. Chem Tech Paraffin Solvent P-457
26. Chem Tech Paraffin Solvent P-400
27. Chem Tech Demulsifier D-703
28. Chem Tech Corrosion & Scale Inhibitor
safety training
Pablo educates its employees through formal and informal training. The primary source of informal training is the review of PABLO's SAFETY MANUAL and the Emergency Action Plans for the Oklahoma City and Amarillo offices. Pablo also provides formal safety training using Accurate Safety Compliance and other 3rd party safety companies.
Emergency Response Contacts (Cell Phone #’s):
Local Field Personnel:
Coalgate, Oklahoma & Yoakum Co. Texas: Darrell Yount – 806-662-5293 Ikie Caudell – 405-696-6787
Pampa, Texas & Yoakum Co. Texas: Phil Grant – 806-662-0069