Our Entities
Verdugo Energy, LLC
Verdugo Energy, LLC, ("Verdugo-Energy") was formed in the state of Texas on November 18, 2011. Verdugo Energy is in the business of exploration and production of oil and natural gas in the states of Texas and Oklahoma. Verdugo Energy owns Verdugo-Pablo Energy, LLC, and Pablo Energy II, LLC, and additionally holds ownership interests in MSC Southridge, LLC, Coal County Gathering, LLC, and Verdugo-Caddo, LLC. Joseph F. Coyne, Jr. is the Chief Executive Officer of the company while Jerry Steed serves as the company's President and Chief Operating Officer. Verdugo Energy is actively seeking to obtain leasehold drilling rights for exploration and production purposes.
Verdugo-Pablo Energy, LLC
Verdugo-Pablo Energy, LLC, ("Verdugo-Pablo") was formed in the state of Texas on January 18, 2012. Verdugo-Pablo serves as the operating company for oil and gas production companies within which Verdugo Energy obtains an interest. Verdugo-Pablo is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Verdugo Energy, LLC. Verdugo-Pablo has on its staff a team of geologists and engineers, in addtion to a full accounting department and land professionals. Verdugo-Pablo is located in Amarillo, Texas and Jerry Steed serves as its Manager and President.
Pablo Energy II, LLC
Pablo Energy II, LLC, ("Pablo Energy II") was formed in 2007 in the state of Texas. Pablo Energy Inc., predecessor Pablo Energy II, was originally co-founded by Paul Engler in 1995 as a subsidiary of Cactus Feeders, Inc., for which Mr. Engler served as Chairman of the Board. Pablo Energy II serves as operator of numerous oil and gas producing projects, and has a full staff of geologists, engineers, land professionals, and accountants. Pablo Energy II is located in Amarillo, Texas and Jerry Steed serves as its Manager and President.
MSC Southridge, LLC
MSC Southridge, LLC, ("MSC Southridge") was formed in the state of Texas on August 14, 2012. MSC Southridge is in the midst of an oil and natural gas drilling project located in southern Oklahoma Woodford Shale area consisting of 20 horizontal wells. All 20 wells have begun production. MSC Southridge is located in Amarillo, Texas and Jerry Steed serves as its Manager and President. Pablo Energy II serves as operator for MSC Southridge.
Coal County Gathering, LLC
Coal County Gathering, LLC, ("Coal County Gathering") was formed in the state of Texas on July 9, 2012. It purchased the assets of Payco in August 2012. Coal County Gathering operates a natural gas gathering system in Coal County, Oklahoma and serves as the gathering company for the MSC Southridge, producing wells located in the same area. Coal County Gathering processes 690,000 mcf of natural gas each month. Coal County Gathering's offices are located in Amarillo, Texas, and Jerry Steed serves as its Manager and President.
Southridge Energy, LLC
Southridge Energy, LLC ("Southridge Energy") was formed in the state of Texas on July 16, 2008. It is a large producer of oil and natural gas in southern Oklahoma. Pablo Energy II acts as the operator for Southridge Energy, and Jerry Steed serves as its Manager and President. Southridge Energy holds a 50% ownership interest in 28 wells which have been drilled to date, and is currently drilling additional wells in this area.
Pablo Gathering, LLC
Pablo Gathering, LLC, ("Pablo Gathering") was formed in the state of Texas on November 21, 2006. It operates a natural gas gathering system in the state of Oklahoma. Pablo Gathering gathers natural gas for Southridge Energy and its partners. On December 22, 2006, Pablo Gathering and Enable Midstream, LLC, formed Atoka Midstream, LLC, within which Pablo Gathering and Enable Midstream became 50% owners of the Pablo Gathering natural gas processing and transmission facility. Enable Midstream acts as the operator for Atoka Midstream, LLC.
Verdugo-Caddo, LLC
Verdugo-Caddo, LLC, ("Verdugo-Caddo") was formed in September, 2013 in the state of Texas. In October of 2013, Verdugo-Caddo purchased a 60% interest in 40,000 acres of leasehold property located in Baylor County, Texas. Verdugo-Pablo serves as operator for this project which will consist of the drilling of horizontal wells on the site through the Caddo Limestone formation. In March of 2014 Verdugo-Caddo commenced drilling operations on this project.
Verdugo AB San Andres Partners, LLC
Verdugo San Andres Investors, LLC
Verdugo San Andres Investors, LLC (VSAI) was formed in February of 2016 for the purpose of organically developing a new project in the prolific oil-producing San Andres formation located in the Northern Permian Basin in Yoakum County, Texas.
After VSAI's land position was secured, in May of 2017, the Members of VSAI entered into a transaction with AllianceBernstein's AB Energy Opportunity Fund L.P. to finance the development of the position. A new entity known as Verdugo AB San Andres Partners, LLC (VABSAP) was formed to facilitate this financial arrangement. In this transaction, the AB Energy Opportunity Fund took a significant position in VABSAP, and retained our operating unit, Verdugo-Pablo, LLC. (VP) to operate and manage drilling of the project. Development activities commenced in July 2017.